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The SushiMaker contract inherits functions from the WethMaker contract, and primarily use case is to provide a contract for breaking down Sushi V2 AMM fees that come to the contract in the form of SLP tokens. SushiMaker is used for buying Sushi after breaking down these SLP tokens into individual tokens, and then selling them for WETH.

The full contract can be found here.

State-Changing Functions


function buySushi(
uint256 amountIn,
uint256 minOutAmount
) external onlyTrusted returns (uint256 amountOut);

Performs a swap operation to buy Sushi tokens using WETH or its equivalent.

  • The amountIn parameter indicates the amount of WETH to use in the swap operation.
  • The minOutAmount parameter sets a lower limit on the number of Sushi tokens to be received. If the swap operation doesn't yield at least this amount, the function will revert to protect against slippage.
  • Only trusted entities can execute this function.

The function returns the actual amount of Sushi tokens acquired through the swap.


amountInuint256The amount of WETH to use in the swap operation.
minOutAmountuint256The minimum amount of Sushi tokens to be received from the swap.


amountOutuint256The actual amount of Sushi tokens received from swap.


This function reverts if:

  • The output of the swap is less than minOutAmount (slippage protection).
  • It is called by any account other than the trusted entities.


event Serve(uint256 amount);

Emitted when Sushi tokens are successfully purchased.


modifier onlyTrusted();

This function can only be called by trusted entities.


function sweep(
uint256 amount
) external onlyTrusted;

Transfers a specified amount of Sushi tokens to the xSushi contract address.

  • The amount parameter indicates the amount of Sushi tokens to transfer to the xSushi contract.
  • Only trusted entities can execute this function.

This function does not return any values.


amountuint256The amount of Sushi tokens to transfer to the xSushi contract.


This function reverts if:

  • It is called by any account other than the trusted entities.


event Serve(uint256 amount);

Emitted when Sushi tokens are successfully transferred to the xSushi contract.


modifier onlyTrusted();

This function can only be called by trusted entities.


function wrapEth() external;

Converts any unwrapped Ethereum (ETH) held by the contract into Wrapped Ethereum (WETH).

  • This function wraps any ETH balance of the contract into WETH.
  • It does not require any input parameters and does not return any values.

This function can be called by any account.


This function does not take any parameters.


This function does not return any values.


This function does not have any known conditions under which it will revert.


This function does not emit any events.


This function does not have any modifiers.